Support Us.

Fees charged by NYSO only cover a part of our costs. NYSO relies on the generosity of all those who have supported us and continue to support us, in many cases, for a number of years. This helps us not only with our running expenses but also more importantly in providing bursaries to allow students to take part regardless of background or means. This is fundamental to our ethos and something we are determined to maintain. Many thanks to all of you.

If you would like to join our supporters and contribute to NYSO’s continuing success, there are various ways to do this:

Become a Friend – please see below.

Become a bursary supporter. Please contact us and we would be delighted to discuss this further.

Friends of NYSO

Yearly subscription to Friends of NYSO is only £25 a year.

By subscribing to NYSO you will be supporting extraordinary young talent.

Becoming a Friend of NYSO will give you the opportunity to receive advance notice of concerts and ticket sales, along with NYSO’s annual Friends newsletter, keeping you up to date with the orchestra and its activities.

Become a friend online now

Make a Donation

Please contact us directly to make a donation to NYSO.

Make a donation

Come & Join Us.

NYSO has 4 orchestras of different ages and levels. The Senior Orchestra is for Grade 8 and above. Camerata for ages 13-17 and playing standard grade 6-8. Sinfonia for 9-12 years and Grade 5-7, and Sinfonietta for talented 7–9 year-old string players at grade 2-5 or equivalent.

Senior OrchestraCamerata OrchestraSinfonia OrchestraSinfonietta

"One of the best things about NYSO was the coaching – the amazing coach took such an interest in both the viola section as a whole and each individual player that my technique and musical expression improved daily. As a string orchestra is smaller than the string section of a symphony orchestra, we each receive close attention from our coach and from Damian Iorio, our conductor. This is an amazing opportunity. Damian is inspiring and encouraging, yet expects the best from all of us. I will take his advice and expertise with me throughout my musical career/life."